Medical school can be a busy time. The first two years can
be managed fairly well if you play your cards right, but as you add things on
top of the basic goal of passing your classes (e.g. volunteer activities,
research, family, or whatever hobbies you might have), you’ll quickly find your
time becomes a precious commodity. To make time for other (often good)
pursuits, we sometimes take shortcuts when it comes to our health – we sleep less,
eat more, and move less.
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Don't do this. Please. |
I’ve lifted weights for a few years now, but before medical
school I usually worked jobs that kept me pretty physically active on top of
just lifting. That translated into not really having to worry much about, for
example, what I ate – I could pretty much down whatever I wanted and top it off
with two large bowls of ice cream lathered in chocolate syrup and be fine.
While that was a blessing (obviously – ice cream is delicious), it also turned
out to be a somewhat of a curse. When I got to medical school and suddenly
became quite a bit more sedentary, I started to put on a bit of weight. Nothing
outrageous, and it wasn’t all of the sudden. I continued to regularly lift, and
for a while I told myself that I was just getting “bigger.” But my lack of attention
to my food intake caught up with me, and my waistline started to grow.
Suddenly, I wasn’t fitting into my clothes quite as well as I used to. Before long, I was over 190 lb. at about 5 ft. 9 in. and around 22% body fat.
Not good.
Time for Change
Before I go any further, I want to take a second and say a
couple of things. First, if you are looking to get healthier, that’s great. I
personally want to be around for a lot of years so I can spend a lot of time
with my wife and family, and want to be able to not get tired out after just a
few minutes of wrestling with my son when he is older. Additionally, something
like strength training just has a lot of carryover to real life – things that
run the gamut from being able to lift heavy things to help friends move,
carry in the groceries, or protect my family if the need ever arises. The
desire to lose weight, on the other hand, might stem from wanting to improve
your various lab profiles, reduce your risk for cardiovascular disease (a big
one for me, since I’ve got a pretty strong family history for it), or reduce
your risk for all of the other diseases that come hand-in-hand with an
expanding waist line.
So if something along those lines is providing you with the
intrinsic drive you need to eat less and move more, that’s awesome. However,
some people take this whole fitness thing way too far. Being “fit” should not
become your identity or sole purpose in life – it’s a means, not an end. Also,
don’t be ridiculous about things. Sometimes you might miss a session to hang
out with family, or will eat “bad” food when you are out with friends.
Whatever. Don’t freak out about it. Enjoy it. While you obviously don’t want to
eat crap all of the time, every once in a while (and probably more often than
you think), it’s perfectly fine. So relax, and enjoy life a bit. And whatever
you do, do NOT go around telling people how they can be healthier, or what they
should and shouldn’t eat. I know people like that, and it’s not helpful or
pleasant at all. Changing your lifestyle is a personal decision, and if someone
actively wants your help, then by all means help them – but don’t force anything
on anyone.
Ok. So Now What?
Alright, so back to my waistline. I knew things needed to
change. So I started doing a little research. Here is a brief summary of what I
Losing the Chub
First off, you have to get something straight – the most
important determinant of how lean you are, or even how muscular you are, is not
how much “cardio” you do, how much weight you lift (although lifting is
important – more on that later), whether or not you eat gluten free, paleo,
your micronutrient profile, or whatever. The single most important determinant
of your body composition is simply your energy balance – in other words, the
calories you take in vs. the calories you expend.
If you want to lose fat, then you have to eat less.
If you want to gain muscle, then you have to eat more and
provide the proper stimulus (e.g. weight training).
You can stop reading now if you want. That’s really how
important that concept is.
All of the common diets out there – low carb, paleo, Zone,
Atkins, Weight Watchers, or whatever – all work. At least for a
while. Why? Because in one form or another, they get you to eat less. That is
really the crux of the issue when it comes to losing weight. Cutting out carbs,
for most people, cuts out a significant food group and thus removes a lot of
calories from their daily intake. Eating only so many “points” worth of food each
day does the same thing. And so on. Where some of these diets fail, in my
opinion, is by failing to hammer home some basic nutritional concepts that help
people keep the weight off in the long run. When they add carbs back in, the
weight comes back. Or they might start increasing their intake of low-carb
foods to the point that they are once again eating a caloric surplus. Once the
meal replacements are replaced with real foods, people haven’t learned about
portion size, so they just go back to doing what they were doing that made them
gain weight in the first place.
So paying attention to the amount of calories you eat is
important – that should be clear. Problem is, most people are terrible at
estimating how many calories they are eating. They might think they are eating
less and are confused as to why they are not losing weight or even still
gaining it, but they don’t realize that they are still eating at a surplus, or
perhaps have just reduced their intake down to maintenance levels.
So how best to keep track? I started using a free app on my
phone called MyFitnessPal.
It’s an awesome, easy-to-use way to keep track of things. They have a huge food
data base and you can typically just type in whatever you are eating and find
it. They have pretty much every major restaurant’s food and a lot of smaller
restaurants as well, which makes it convenient when you are eating out. You can
also build common meals and save them to use them again later. It remembers
what you typically eat, which makes it easier to use the longer you use it. It
also can keep track of your weight and other markers as well. For someone like
me who likes data points and keeping track of things, it’s awesome. Additionally,
it only takes maybe 3-5 minutes a day – tops – to use once you have things
down. So it takes minimal time, but it allows you fairly fine control over your
caloric intake – which is THE MOST IMPORTANT STEP when it comes to losing fat
or gaining muscle.
Of course, as with any data, if your data is trash then your
conclusions are useless. Be honest about what you enter. When in doubt,
I try to overestimate what I’m eating (because most people usually underestimate).
That said, I’m not a huge fan of weighing or measuring
everything you eat. My guess is most people aren’t. It’s just inconvenient. For
some who are trying to get into peak condition, it might be necessary. For most
of us, though, it’s probably not. You might find it helpful to weigh something
once or measure something once just to get an idea of what a cup of this or 12
oz. of that actually looks like, but don’t get too crazy.
Once you’ve downloaded the app (you can just use it on the
computer as well, but the app is way more convenient), track your intake for a
few days. Be honest. You have to figure out where you are to figure out why you
got there and where you are going to go.
Finding Your Numbers
So you have the tools to keep track of your calories, which,
if you haven’t caught on by now, is IMPORTANT. Now what?
The next step is to figure out what your goal is. For most
people, this will be something like, “Well, I want to lose fat and gain muscle.”
That’s great, but with the exception of rank beginners, it’s unlikely to occur.
It’s possible, of course, but progress will be exceedingly slow and you are
really working at counter-purposes with yourself. Remember, to lose fat you
have to eat less, and to gain muscle you have to eat more. You can’t really do
that at the same time – you cannot serve two masters. So pick your goal, and go
with it.
But getting back to the topic of this section. You need to
establish your caloric maintenance requirements – the amount you need to eat to
stay the way you are. The calculator I like (which has lots of features, which
we’ll talk about later) can be found here.
Plug in your numbers, be honest about your activity level, and select which
formula you want to use to calculate your caloric needs (I would just choose
the one with the most conservative values for starters – it’s easier to add in
calories later if needed than it is to remove them). That’s your maintenance
caloric requirement.
If your goal is to lose fat, you need to eat less than that
number to achieve that. The typical recommendation is to eat 500 calories under
your maintenance each day – over a week, these leaves you with a caloric deficient
of about 3500 calories. Traditionally, this is the amount that is touted as necessary
to lose a pound of fat a week. You can also set your deficit by using a percentage of your maintenance - so, for example, you might decide to eat 20% less calories than your maintenance level each day. If you want more information on choosing the correct deficit, I would recommend reading this article. This one is also a good read on the topic.
That’s one way to do it. Problem is, over time, as you eat a
deficit your metabolism does slow a bit. Additionally, traditional dieting like
this tends to lower the levels of a number of important hormones in your body
(you can read more about this effect here).
All bad things.
Enter the Cycle
One way around this is calorie cycling – eating less one day
and more on another such that you still eat at the deficit you need to lose
fat, but while sort of “tricking” your body into thinking that you’re not
actually starving it – this helps keep it from hanging on to stubborn fat and
generally making you feel like crap.
So how do you do this? There are a couple of ways. First,
start looking at your calorie requirements over a week rather than just over a
day. So, for example, say Person A needs 2500 calories a day. Over a week, that’s
2500 calories x 7 days = 17,500 calories/week. If you wanted to eat at a deficit
of 3,500 calories, then that means you need 17,500 calories – 3,500 calories =
14,000 calories over the course of the week. You can then choose to divvy up
those calories across the days as you see fit – you might want to eat more on
days you work out and less on rest days, or save some calories for that meal
out with some friends. You can wave your calories throughout the week to avoid
the pitfalls of straight dieting however you choose. That said, I personally
just like to use the old rule of thumb that says eat 10 times your bodyweight in
calories on rest days and 12 times your bodyweight in calories on work out days
to lose fat. I’ve had the most success with this method, and have so far lost
about 20 pounds. You can work out the numbers, but when training 3x a week,
this puts me at the perfect deficit.
Alternatively, you can go back to the calculator I gave you
earlier and select one of the fat loss options. It will run the numbers for you
and show you how much you can expect to lose per week (these are only
estimates, of course) and how much you should eat per day on both work out and
rest days.
An important note: as you lose weight, you will need to
account for this. Recalculate your caloric requirements every 5-10 lb.
Otherwise, your deficit will over time become your maintenance.
One More Important Tool
One final thing I will say here is that, for weight loss in
particular, one tool that I’ve found particularly helpful is something called
Intermittent Fasting (IF). This isn’t a diet – it’s more of a pattern of
eating. The basic idea is that you set up an “eating window” – typically something
like 4-9 hours – and then fast until your next eating window. It may have some
health benefits in terms of reducing risks for various diseases and improving
lipid profiles and speeding up fat loss, but more than anything it’s just darn
convenient. A typical way to go about it is to eat from, for example, noon to 8
pm and then fast for 16 hours until noon the next day. It takes a little
getting used to at first, but after a while some people report increased mental
clarity and focus, as well as a feeling of well-being, during the morning part
of the fast. I’ve found that to be true, as well.
But what about breakfast? Isn’t that the most important meal
of the day? And don’t I need to eat every 2-3 hours to keep my metabolism speeding
along? My body will consume itself!!!
Slow down. All are valid concerns, but have been addressed
elsewhere. I recommend reading this for a great overview of IF and answers to many common questions. This is a good
overview too.
Another great read can be found here - it discusses some of the common myths surrounding fasting. Also here. This is a great overview and analysis of different ways to go about fasting. If you're going to do IF, I'd recommend taking a few minutes to read through those links. (Update 2/18/15: A comprehensive guide about how to "do" intermittent fasting can also be found here. In the interest of full disclosure, I'll note that the owner of the site contacted me about listing his link here, but it seems like a solid website that's definitely worth looking over if you are interested.)
One of the things I like about IF, especially while eating
at a deficit, is simply that it allows me to “save” a lot of calories for later
so that, when I do eat, I get to eat a couple of larger meals instead of eating
like a bird throughout the day. Also, it’s a lot easier to get out of the door
in the morning not having to worry about making and eating breakfast.
A brief note about weight lifting while using IF – there are
several ways to go about this, most of which are addressed in the links above
(which you should read if you are going to do this). I personally tend to
usually only fast on rest days, since I tend to lift weights in the mornings (which
means a whey protein shake beforehand and then a meal after working out) and am
not a fan of stopping eating at 3 pm in the afternoon to keep my “eating window”
intact. And it’s ok. Do what you can. If you work out in the evenings anyway,
then this won’t be an issue.
Keeping Track
So you have the tools for fat loss. I’ll talk a bit about
weight training here in a bit, but first let’s talk about tracking your
The first thing I’ll say is that changing your body
composition takes time. Weeks, months, even years. So don’t be discouraged if
you don’t see changes right away. When you make a change, give it at least
three weeks or so – preferably more – to see if something happens.
But how do you know if something is happening? By seeing if
your metrics are changing. Personally, I use the scale, calipers, and the
mirror. The scale is great for keeping track of weight changes, but doesn’t
tell you if you are losing or gaining fat or muscle. That’s where calipers come
in. Get a cheap pair of reliable calipers (I use the Accu-Measure Fitness 3000 Calipers - they are about six
bucks and well-regarded), and learn how to use them (this website is great for
both learning how to use them and calculating your body fat percentage).
Note that the body fat percentage might not be spot on accurate, but it’s more
important that you are consistent so that you can track changes. I’d recommend
weighing and taking caliper measurements once a week under the same conditions –
I do this Saturday mornings, after getting up and using the restroom and before
eating or drinking anything. Once again, be patient. It takes time for your
body to change.
Note for females: you might find that you retain water
differently throughout your monthly cycle, so your weight may vary from week to
week. Thus, it might be more helpful to compare weights/body fat measurements
from week 1 of cycle 1 to week 1 of cycle 2, week 2 of cycle 1 to week 2 of
cycle 2, and so on.
One More Word about Diet
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Image courtesy of Home Fitness Life |
I will say that I typically still eat ice cream, albeit in
smaller portions, fairly regularly. Remember, at the end of the day, your goal
is to meet your calorie requirements for whatever you are trying to do. If you can
squeeze in a cup or two of ice cream into your calorie log, so much the better.
Like I said before, you don’t want to eat crap all of time, but life is too
short to go too crazy with this stuff and you can change your body composition
successfully while still enjoying yourself.
To Gain or to Lose?
If you aren’t sure where to go from here, figure out where
you are at first. For guys, a healthy body fat percentage is about 10-15%. For
gals, that can be more like 18-25%. If you are a guy who wants to gain muscle,
but are at 19%, then you need to lose some weight first. This is for a variety
of reasons, but for now I’ll just say that first, fat is not functional tissue.
It does not make you stronger; it just slows you down. Second, the fatter you
are, the more likely your body is to just gain more fat. The leaner you are,
the more like your body is to gain muscle (see here for more).
Conversely, the fatter you are, the easier it will be to lose fat. The leaner
you are, the harder it is to lose fat (unfortunately). So, getting down to a
leaner you will, on a lot of levels, be better for your overall progress. I
would recommend getting down to at least 10% or so before starting to gain
weight again. Hold your diet there at maintenance levels for about two weeks to
allow your body to “settle.” When you decide to gain, try to only gain about
one pound per week (will be some fat and some muscle) until you get up to
around 15% body fat or so. Again, hold there for two weeks before starting to
cut weight again. Repeat until satisfied.
As far as eating for weight gain goes, just eat more. I would
recommend calorie cycling still – use the calculator above to figure out what you need to eat on rest and work out days for weight gain. Keep
track of your progress weekly, and don’t let things get out of hand.
A Brief Word on Weight Training
Weight training is an important component of any exercise program.
Or, at the very least, it’s a very valuable addition. Obviously, be realistic and
consult with your physician if you have any question about whether weights, or
any exercise for that matter, is right for you.
I also want to make a note that weight training is for both
men and women. Women sometimes fear that it will make them bulky, but short of
using exogenous hormones, they just don’t have the hormone profile for this to
be even remotely true. Guys, similarly, sometimes don’t want to get too big. Don’t
worry – you won’t just wake up huge. These things take time. That said getting
stronger has multiple benefits for life in general and can be just darn
I’m a big believer in safely performing basic compound
exercises – squats, deadlifts, bench press, overhead press, rows, dips, and
chins. Do those, increase your weight over time, and you will get stronger. If
you are just starting out, I would recommend something like Starting Strength
(can be found here; I like the Practical Programming version)
or Stronglifts (can be found here).
After you’ve progressed as far as you can on those, check out Jim Wendler’s 5/3/1
(the basic program can be found in various places online, but you should buy and read the book Beyond 5/3/1: Simple Training for Extraordinary Results
and pick your variation) or some of Paul
Carter’s programs. I wish I had progressed like that when I first started.
(Edit: Since I wrote this, some excellent resources have been put out by Greg Nuckols - a very strong and very smart guy. Head on over to his website (a good place to start is here) and enter your email [don't worry - this guy is legit. The worst he'll do is send you some awesome information that you can unsubscribe from at any time] to get his free training programs. He'll send you an excel file with a bunch of programs that can be used at essentially any level and that you can progress through as you get stronger. That is probably one of the best ways that anyone could get started on their strength-training journey.)
(Edit: Since I wrote this, some excellent resources have been put out by Greg Nuckols - a very strong and very smart guy. Head on over to his website (a good place to start is here) and enter your email [don't worry - this guy is legit. The worst he'll do is send you some awesome information that you can unsubscribe from at any time] to get his free training programs. He'll send you an excel file with a bunch of programs that can be used at essentially any level and that you can progress through as you get stronger. That is probably one of the best ways that anyone could get started on their strength-training journey.)
Note that I said that I’m a believer in SAFELY performing
these exercises. Spend some time learning and refining your technique before
adding much weight. These exercises are not inherently dangerous or bad for you
– unless you are doing them wrong. Check out ExRx for pointers. Also, I
really like these articles for technique:
Squat: read this.
Check out ExRx for form instructions for the other
A Brief Word on Cardio
“Cardio” is what people typically first think of when they
think of trying to lose weight. By now you should know that that is not
necessarily the case – calories are most important. That said, you can use
cardio to help create your deficit, and it’s also useful for increasing your
overall work capacity. It’s useless to be strong but unable to walk down the
block without doubling over or finish a fight. I try to lift three times a
week, and fit in at least two cardio sessions. What you do isn’t really that
important. Swim, ride a bike, do bag work, sprint, go for a walk. Just be
active and do something you enjoy. Set a goal and achieve it. I used to be a
lifeguard, and at least once a week we had to swim a 500 (20 laps in a 25 meter pool). I used to
be able to knock that out without a second thought – now I can barely get 10
continuous laps. So that’s my goal. I try and hit the pool twice a week, and am
working towards getting better every time.
So that’s that. Medical school is busy, but it’s entirely
possible to set up a routine that has you lifting two to three times a week and
doing some form of cardio at least twice a week. Controlling your food intake
is made much easier by using the tools that I discussed above, and after a
while won’t take much thought at all. Getting started is the hardest part, but
once you’ve overcome that initial inertia, it will begin to work in your favor.
Good luck.
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